






  鋁鎂錳屋面系統特點 成熟的結構傳力維護系統,適用于坡度≥1.5°的屋面,歷史悠久,應用廣泛;現場制作,大跨度(≤80m)單板可通長無駁口、無釘孔,施工簡單,鎖合牢固;優異的排水防滲性能、獨特的抗熱膨脹性能及安全的抗風壓性能;先進的二次成型(瓜皮工藝和扇彎工藝),輕松解決雙曲面或單曲面的覆蓋難題;直立鎖邊結構上還可以加二次屋面(如國家大劇院);高品位、低能耗,實用、美觀、環保。

          Vertical side whipstitch system is a kind of vertical seam or point to support roofing system, it has a very good sense and performance, when installing machine rolled the adjacent edge continuously together, without perforation, board face be whole, with excellent waterproof performance.

  Aluminum magnesium manganese roofing system characteristic mature structure of the power transmission system maintenance, apply to the slope of 1.5 ° or roofing, has a long history and wide application; On-site production, large span (80 m) or less veneer can refute mouth, long nail hole, construction simple, lock and strong; Excellent drainage seepage control performance, unique thermal expansion property and safety of wind pressure resistance; Advanced secondary molding (melon process and fan bending process), the surface coverage problem easily solve hyperboloid or single; Vertical side whipstitch structure can also be added on secondary roof (such as the national grand theatre); High quality, low energy consumption, practical, beautiful, environmental protection.

